Entry to the Marathon Recreation Centre will through the Main doors facing Peninsula Road.
Arena users will need to use the doors to the RIGHT.
Social Distancing is required inside the Recreation Complex. Please be courteous to others.

Once through the front doors, you will stay RIGHT and make your way towards the Arena.
You will find a Sanitation Station in the front entry.

You will continue through the double doors, and keep RIGHT.

Once you get to the Canteen area, you will take a Right towards the Women's Washroom and Zamboni Room.

Prior to heading down the hall to the Arena Entrance, you will find another Sanitization Station.
Please do not stay in this area, keep the flow of traffic moving.

Head down the hallway, the last door on the LEFT is the Main Entrance to the Arena.

Change Rooms are NOT available.

Entry to the Arena area

Once you get into the arena, you will need to walk down the aisle to find a spot.
Please take the furthest spot first, and fill in from there.
We need to ensure we are not passing each other. and always going with the flow of traffic.

You will find predetermined markers for proper social distancing.
The first person in should take the furthest spot down the aisle, the next person should sit in the next available spot, and so on.
The players on the furthest bench will access the ice from the END DOOR by the Public Announcement Booth. When practice is complete, they will access the bench from the MIDDLE DOOR.
The players on the closest bench will access the ice from the MIDDLE DOOR. When practice is complete, they will access the bench from the door nearest the Zamboni Entrance.

Spectators will also find predetermined markers for proper social distancing in the stands.
Please remember that there is a MAXIMUM of 1 spectator per participant.
All spectators are required to wear a mask in the Recreation Centre, and Arena

Once your event is completed, the Main Exit will be the double doors that lead to the Canteen Area.

You will immediately take a RIGHT, and exit the building through the door at the end of the hall.

Additional Information
If a player or parent needs to use the public washrooms, they are available, with a 1 person capacity. Please be mindful of the traffic flow. Reentry to the arena will be by following the arrows towards the Zamboni Room, then into the arena just as you originally entered.
Masks are to be worn by everyone in the Marathon Recreation Complex. On Ice participants will remove their masks just prior to accessing the ice.
On Ice participants need to bring their own clearly marked water bottle for personal use. The bottle needs to be full prior to coming to the Arena as water is not available at the Arena.
A quick exit from the arena will mean that the Town Staff is able to sanitize between users and have minimal delays for the following groups.
Following these guidelines as developed by the Town of Marathon, and the TBDHU will ensure that we can continue to enjoy the Arena this season.